My name is Justin Cooke, I am a herbalist and love all things nature. I spent most of my childhood as a Scout, where I was taught how useful the natural world can be. Most of my free time is spent either hiking, writing, or learning new skills.
I began my medical training as a paramedic, and took some online courses for herbology on the side. My love for plants soon lead me deep into the Amazon rainforest of Peru to work at an Ayahuasca retreat centre. I worked with local shamans to treat a wide range of conditions through the use of plant medicines. The most amazing part of this experience was that all of the medicines they used, were collected themselves on their daily bushwalks through the jungle. It was here that I discovered my passion as a herbalist.
I then spent the following 2 years researching various Amazonian medicinal plant species, and studying full time towards becoming a herbalist. This lead me to create my company, The Sunlight Experiment. I use this website to compile my research on plant based medicines in an easily accessible database. This database contains plants from all over the world, including Australia, Canada, and parts of Asia.
I believe the best cure for anything is prevention rather than relying on treatment. Too many people allow themselves to fall ill because they believe they can just fix the problem with a few pills when it becomes too much of a nuisance/ Most soon find out that it is not as simple as this in real life, and it is much better to stay healthy to begin with.
I wish to educate and assist people who want to remain healthy and avoid illness, by providing the information and resources for them to take their health into their own hands.
I love answering questions and hearing comments, so feel free to comment or message me directly through my Twitter or instagram account @JuzzieCooke.

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