
Compostic make 100% home-compostable cling wrap and zip lock bags so you can enjoy the ease of ‘plastic’ without the guilt. Their mission is to help rid the world of plastic wrap, one kitchen at a time.

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One day Jon, founder of Compositic, realised how sick he was of seeing single-use plastic litter our planet. Armed with steadfast determination, he researched more sustainable materials to create a replacement for one of the kitchen’s most used single-use plastics: cling wrap. With three pillars guiding the way, Jon sought to eradicate non-compostable plastics from peoples homes without compromising convenience, making it easier for every household to contribute to a better future for our planet. Three years and innumerable mounds of research later Compostic was born, providing households everywhere with a convenient yet eco-friendly way to keep food fresh. Made from a trio of biopolymers, disposing of Compostic products is as easy as throwing them in the home compost once they’ve served their purpose. No fuss, no muss and certainly no lasting impact on our planet.