IQ Bar

IQ Bars are naturally flavoured low-carb paleo & keto friendly nutrition bars made with vegan wholefood ingredients that supply 10-11g complete protein, 8-9g prebiotic fibre and a selection of six powerful nutrients: choline, flavonoids, lion’s mane mushroom, MCTs, omega-3s and vitamin E.

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IQ Bar is no longer available!

IQ Bar founder and CEO Will Nitze was studying psychology and neuroscience at Harvard and became fascinated with the human brain and how is functioned. However, after graduating, he began experiencing his own brain related issues with chronic headaches and mental fatigue. He realised the need for a product like the IQ Bar about the same time he realised that his traditional high-carb diet was the cause of his headaches and brain fog - and couldn’t find any low-carb convenience foods offering proper brain nutrition. A year of kitchen-counter research and development and a Kickstarter campaign later, Will had invented the innovative brain-friendly nutrition IQ bar – and a lot fewer headaches!