Living Nature

You'll find that Living Nature are exactly what they say they are - 100% Natural this includes all ingredients, fragrances and preservatives. Every ingredient must pass stringent natural and ethical standards and they check the source, including the growing, harvesting and processing methods of all ingredients before use.

Oh no!
Living Nature is no longer available!

Originally the brainchild of Suzanne Hall, Living Nature was developed as a provider of a range of natural skincare and beauty products that would be gentle enough for people (like Suzanne) who have sensitive skin. While Suzanne has since moved on to other ventures, she has left the company in the very capable hands of the team that helped her to build the unique brand. The team adhere closely to the standards set by Suzanne, including making natural, safe and effective products a priority. Thanks to Suzanne and the team, Living Nature has built an enviable reputation for quality skincare and beauty items.