Natures Goodness Bee Pollen Granules
125g- Australian made

Product Description
It is said that there is nothing new in this world, and pollen is no exception!
Since the time blossoms appeared on the first flowers we have had pollen. What is new, however, is the fact that in the last two decades scientists and doctors have been able to prove its amazing value as a health food. It has been proven by researchers in many countries that bee pollen contains natural organic life-giving sources of vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, hormones, enzymes - all in amazing abundant quanties.
Another bonus is that all these essential minerals come without added preservatives, colours or chemicals!
Where fitness is concerned, Bee Pollen is the answer! Use it as a dietary supplement to improve general health, correct various elemental deficiencies and restore zest in the aged.
ISBN: 9311968111600 SKU: NGBP01