Earths Purities

Earths Purities make effective, environmentally friendly natural deodorants from organic ingredients. Developed without animal testing and free from hazardous chemicals, their deodorants are the first to be packaged in 100% post-consumer recycled paper with no plastic components.

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Vincent and Hailey always liked the idea of chemical-free deodorants based on natural ingredients; they just didn’t like any of the natural deodorants they tried over the years. A lot of them simply didn’t work, and others actually caused irritation when applied to sensitive underarm skin. Realising that they weren’t the only people searching for an effective, all-natural deodorant, Vincent and Hailey decided to create one themselves. As their experience with other brands had suggested, this wasn’t easy. It took a solid year of formulating and testing, but eventually Vincent and Hailey arrived at a deodorant they could be happy to use and proud to sell under the Earths Purities label. As they intended, it’s an organic product made from a diverse variety of natural ingredients, free from harmful chemicals, safe for sensitive skin – and it works!