HempPet, an Australian family business, makes all-natural hemp-based treats, medicines, and supplements for cats and dogs. Together with a healthy diet of fresh, natural foods, their hemp-infused treats and hemp seed oil blends help pets achieve a better quality of life without chemicals or pharmaceuticals.
HempPet was founded by Arthur and Sandra Wajs and Arthur’s sister Nicole Sylvia after a wrenching personal experience with the healing power of hemp products for pets. Arthur and Sandra’s 6-year-old terrier Bella had developed skin cancer and been given just months to live when they received a bottle of cannabis oil from a friend who had been using it medicinally. They gave Bella the oil orally and applied it to her tumours, and she miraculously began to get better. Unfortunately, cannabis could not be prescribed for veterinary purposes at the time, and when the bottle was empty, Bella sickened and died. As soon as hemp was legalised, Arthur, Sandra and Nicole set about consulting scientists, veterinarians and naturopaths to develop the HempPet product range. It’s too late for Bella, but they hope that their new business will help other Australians provide better care for the pets they love.