Staying fit and healthy while practising social distancing is something we’re all struggling with at the moment. Thankfully trainers are working to the limitations, with virtual boot camps and online yoga classes streaming in just about every exercise-lovers home at the moment.
We’ve compiled a list of our favourite ways to stay fit while staying home to create a variety of options we can all pick and choose from to mix it up (because we all know doing the same routine is the fastest way to kill a workout buzz).
Online Exercise Round-Up
Yoga with Adriene
Adriene’s sweet nature, soothing voice, and loveable sidekick Benji make for a relaxing flow from your living room. With the catchy (and very relevant) slogan ‘Find What Feels Good’, Adriene has cast her all-inclusive yogi net wide, with everyone from yoga devotees to uneasy novices tuning in to her wildly popular YouTube channel.
Try her monthly ‘30 Days of Yoga’ themed challenges for an accountable way to arrive on your mat each day. Why not start with January’s challenge, fortuitously themed ‘Home’, and journey inwards to calm your mind, love your body, reflect, and create space because if ever there was a time, it is now.
Les Mills (On Demand)
The extensive library of workouts in this deservedly popular trainer’s program means you’ll never get bored of the same old routine. With sessions ranging from 15 - 55 minutes, squeezing one in between Netflix sessions (or baby naps) is easy. The programs are science-based and delivered by highly trained professionals to ensure your body is worked right and your mind is kept in the game. Choose from over 800 workouts, with dance, step, barre, and HIIT just some of the options waiting to be added to your weekly schedule. Got kids? There’s Youth classes as well for 2-16 year olds to join the fun.
This beautiful soul peppers her Instagram feed with effective workouts and insightful ponderings on motherhood and life. A CrossFit babe at her core, this mama shares simple and effective strength and cardio workouts for every level to get those muscles working and endorphins flowing. Her down to earth approach and bubbly personality (along with her adorable family) make it feel more like working out with a friend than a trainer - which is a winning combination when you’re rocking the moves solo in your living room.
Refit Revolution (On Demand)
Refit is a space where every body belongs. With a philosophy built from an all-inclusive approach, Refit works your heart as ‘both a muscle and a soul’, incorporating self-worth into their workouts to promote long lasting change for both the body and mind. Their classes are about offering a community of support while you get fit, whether you’re shaking it in a dance class or stretching it out, every workout is like hanging with group of good friends.
Tiff XO
This loveable trainer - best known for her stint on The Biggest Loser and affinity to Taekwondo - offers a flexible fitness program made up of do-anywhere 20-minute sessions so you can get in and get it done. With the added benefit of a nutrition plan that delivers delicious and easy meals to fuel your body and meditations designed to help keep you on-track, the Tiff XO program feeds your mind, body, and soul. Join for the fast, effective workouts and stay for Tiff’s genuine approach and caring attitude.
Sweat it out with the worlds largest community of fit females and improve your fitness from home with this popular app loved by women all over the world. Choose your trainer based on your fitness goals, whether it’s getting back into fitness after baby, sculpting lean muscles, or getting bendy with yoga, the Sweat programs will transform you body and mind.
Rocamoons (aka Mona Jane)
With a contagious smile and fun workouts, Mona Jane’s Instagram feed is the perfect example of what exercise should look like: a good time. This mama of two is full of good ideas to mix things up, with short and long workouts to keep you strong and healthy (and never bored). Try her Sculpt & Flow class on IGTV to reconnect with your body and feel good, even when you’re stuck inside.
Luke Hines 10
The Luke Hines 10 program makes getting fit and healthy easy with Luke guiding you through 10 weeks of Meals, Mindset, and Moves to create a healthier ‘new you’. His approach to healthy living guarantees delicious and nutrient dense meals and effective workouts to build the body you want, complete with wellbeing and mindfulness coaching to keep you on the right track. The functional workouts are fast and easy, making working out from home a cinch.
FMTV x Gaia
With a little bit of everything, FMTV on Gaia offers a little slice of exercise-induced escapism for everyone. Their subscription delivers everything from yoga to pilates, with a side of guided meditations and and inspiring wellness documentaries to boot. Sculpt your muscles and free your mind with this complimentary healthy-living program designed to keep you happy and healthy.
Online Exercise For Kids
And a couple for the kids.. Try these online exercise classes designed specifically for children to keep those energetic bodies moving.
Cosmic Kids
Blending yoga and storytelling, Cosmic Kids is a great way to get young bodies moving for some healthy screen-time while they’re cooped up inside. Asanas are renamed to make it fun and relatable for young brains while keeping to the theme of each yoga class. Kids can choose from a wide range of yoga stories, from old storybook favourites like the Very Hungry Caterpillar to recreations of Disney movies like Frozen and Moana.
Beyond the mat, Cosmic Kids have also started to offer mindfulness meditations to teach kids about the importance of ‘now’ and how to tame monkey minds - perfect for restless bodies and tech-focused brains.
P.E. With Joe
Joe, or ‘The Body Coach’ as he’s known by his 2.2 million subscribers on YouTube, has been transforming people’s lives with his free at home workouts for close to a decade. Now, he’s offering live P.E. classes designed specifically for children as a way to help keep kids active and healthy while at home. His 30 minute classes are a fun way to get the whole family moving (yes, big kids can join in too - and don’t worry, you’ll work up a decent sweat!), streaming each weekday from 9am (UK time). His classes feature fun activities to keep kids engaged along with motivating ‘homework’ to help them understand why exercise is beneficial for both the body and mind.
Have you tried an online exercise class you loved? Share with us in the comments below.

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