Oakwood Products

Oakwood started 25 years ago in Scone as a supplier of natural leather-care products for horse tack. They have since developed nature-based formulas for cleaning and maintaining fabric and wood as well as leather, and now offer natural care solutions for household items and surfaces, automobiles, shoes and even pets.

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Oakwood Products is no longer available!

When Geoff Searl founded Oakwood over 25 years ago, he didn’t set out to make natural products; he just wanted to make the best leather conditioner around. He succeeded, too, by blending a special formulation of quintessentially natural Australian ingredients including beeswax, emu oil and eucalyptus oil. Discovering that 'natural' was far superior to 'nasty', Geoff went on to develop formulas for other applications, and today Oakwood offers a complete range of products...