Synergy Spirulina tabs Organic
500mg x 100- Certified Organic
- Nature’s richest source of protein (65% of it’s weight), 300% more than fish, meat or poultry (but with zero cholesterol).
- 58x richer in iron than spinach. A natural non-toxic easily absorbed source. n A Rich wholefood source of anti-oxidants (25x richer in beta-carotene than carrot).
- 2x richer in chlorophyll than alfalfa, barleygrass or wheatgrass.
- A highly concentrated source of essential fatty acids (EFA’s). n Spirulina may be used as part of a weight management program. If taken 30-45mins before meals, it induces a “less hungry” feeling whilst still supplying a broad range of nutrients.
- As an unrefined whole food, spirulina is absorbed up to 16x more effectively than synthetic multivitamin supplements.

Product Description
Used by the Aztecs, Spirulina has many health benefits - it is great for digestion, is high in iron and is a rich source of anti-oxidents and phytonutrients. It's alkaline properties assist in disease prevention.
Synergy's extensive research and development over twenty years has resulted in a Spirulina with the highest levels of all nutrients. It is grown ecologically without pesticides or herbicides and carefully dried in a few seconds preserving full nutritional value without any chemical additives.
With Synergy on the label, you can be sure you are getting the finest, purest, most potent Spirulina available.
Spirulina is the Richest Whole Food Source Found in Nature
- A highly nutritious, microscopic freshwater plant.
- The superfood with over 100 nutrients, more than any other plant, grain or herb.
- Widely used as a food supplement for maintaining health, energy, weight loss and cleansing programs.
- Protein - 60-70% of its weight. 300% more protein than fish, meat or poultry, with no cholesterol
- Iron - 58x richer than spinach in bi-available iron.
- Vitamin B12 - Natures richest source. Often lacking in a vegetarian diet.
- Chlorophyll - 2x richer than barley grass or wheatgrass.
- Anti-oxidants - 25x richer in beta-carotene than carrot and 3x richer in Vitamin E than wheatgerm.
- Spirulina assists weight loss by curbing appetite naturally while supplying a full range of nutrients needed for a balanced diet.
- As an unrefined wholefood, spirulina is absorbed up to x16 more effectively than synthetic multi-vitamin and mineral supplements.