Barnes Naturals

Barnes Naturals offer a range of natural, organic Manuka honeys and apple cider vinegars of the highest quality and authenticity.

Barnes Naturals began by producing honey products over 140 years ago in country Victoria. Today, they continue their commitment to health through nature and nutrition, by producing antibacterial Manuka Honeys and Apple Cider Vinegars.

Interesting info about Barnes Naturals Active Manuka Honey:

Barnes Naturals Active Manuka Honey is sourced from the native Australian Leptospermum flowering plant.It's composition has elevated antibacterial qualities, known as NPA (non peroxide activity) levels which are measured by the naturally occurring chemical called Methylglyoxal or MGO. Barnes Naturals use an independent laboratory to measure the MGO of it's honey, to rate it's MGO levels. Barnes Naturals Manuka Honey is accredited by the Autralian Manuka Honey Association's AHMA or Mark of Authenticity. 

Interesting info about Barnes Apple Cider Vinegars:

Barnes Apple Cider Vinegars are sourced using Certified Organic New Zealand apples. They contain 'The Mother', which is a healthful combination of enzymes, minerals and friendly bacteria and are made from completely natural ingredients.

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